Monday, February 14, 2011

The Cove

It's times like these when I wish I was a better writer, where I could properly express the way something makes me feel, be it a book, movie or song. Needless to say this documentary, The Cove, is unreal, basically about the slaughter of dolphins in a Japanese fishing village that happens every year. I don't want to give to much away because I would rather people see it than hear too much about it and form a biased opinion because it's another 'hippie Greenpeace type'. It isn't. If you have any sort of compassion not just for animals but in general this piece of film will make you cry and then make you angry that this injustice is carried out every single year and there are only a handful of people trying to stop it. This isn't for the faint of heart, it's quite violent and confronting but please do your best to watch it. It will change the way you think, about many things.

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