Last Sunday I ventured out in the cold and took a train to the Perth Convention Centre and finally got to go to the Craft Fair. My mecca. I spent quite a bit of money, which I shouldn't have and made lots of friends with wonderful elderly ladies that taught me many things, like don't sew in bad light because whatever you're sewing will come out crooked. It was mostly common sense stuff but they were sweet nonetheless. My first purchase was embossing powder, a pigment stamp pad and some rubber stamps which I bought to do this project from this book I spent quite a bit of time just looking around and hoping that the things I really liked would be reasonably priced, but
alas, it was not so. I'm really interested in quilting, I would love to make my own, must find a work shop or something. Anyway round and round I went until I decided to do make a flower with the felting ladies at their booth. I can't find their website, but they're based in Brisbane. I made mine with silk, muslin, and wool of course to bind it and 'felt' it if you may. I've felted before but only made a brooche, this was a bit more challenging. This is the result and everyone praised it. It was $20 to do the workshop and they provided the expertise and material. After that I did this decoupage sort of thing where you choose a 'motif' from a napkin and then glue it on to canvas using this all purpose sort of thing. Anyway the canvas she gave me was this hideous beige colour and my motif got all buggered, its rather an ugmo so I won't humiliate it (and myself) by putting it on the Internet. But after that I found this blown glass booth that had little trinkets and what not for cheap so I bought this pendant.
I ruv it so much. I walked around some more and then decided I should probably beat it home before it got dark and even colder. I spent the rest of the Sunday catching up on my Sex and the City. Enjoy.